Wednesday, October 8, 2014

UE4.4.3 packaging, win64, blueprint

I got a lot of troubles with UE4.4.3 packaging lately, hope it improves in 4.5.

A UE4 Runtime Plugin that include UnrealEd module seems cannot be packaged. Yes, this seems quite obvious. The not-so-obvious part is that: It also implies that building a runtime plug-in w/ components marked meta=BlueprintSpawnableComponent is not allowed as well (since using that meta requires UnrealEd module). A quick-and-dirty solution is to strip off all UnrealEd linkage along with meta=BlueprintSpawnableComponent (which seems to do no harm to previously created contents, but we can longer spawn those components in blueprint.) A better solution that i'm going to try is to use WITH_EDITOR macro and configure the build.cs not to include UnrealEd on packaging builds.  It seems to be okay w/o including UnrealEd while setting meta=BlueprintSpawnableComponent. The real problem is some other tags that came along with copy-and-paste process. Setting UCLASS( ClassGroup=YourGroup, meta=(BlueprintSpawnableComponent) ) works just fine.

Packing error: Blueprint referenced assets in transient package. This is another WTF. In my case, no transient is created. I just used Blueprint struct that embeds a class of a blueprint. The problem is gone if I just change that struct to embeds an actor class instead (and cast it on usage).

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